Thursday, November 4, 2010

10 Weeks!

I can't believe I am 10 weeks pregnant! It helps that you don't really find out you are pregnant until at least a few weeks, so that helps the countdown! Joe and I are at quite different levels thus far! Joe is in the completely happy, joyous, I can't wait to tell everyone phase.....while I am in the completely happy, joyous, nauseous, sore, EXHAUSTED, not sure who I can tell phase! It really is wonderful in both aspects, but scary as well! I forget sometimes that I am pregnant which freaks me out! We go to the doctor in 11 days, can you tell I'm counting? I think all of the family knows so far, which is wonderful! We have definitely decided not to find out the sex, and that I think, is all we know thus far! Lots of love!! Pictures to come! Of me and Baby Boggs!


This week marks a milestone for your baby-to-be -- and for you. She's developed to the point where she's no longer an embryo, but a fetus.
As her body begins to mature, your baby-to-Be's neck will start to develop and elongate. At this point, your baby's head still makes up more than half of her body size.
Small changes are taking place throughout Baby-to-be's body, making her appear more and more like the newborn you'll be greeting in 30 or so weeks. She's getting more practice moving her arms and legs as they continue to develop muscle and bone. (Still, you won't feel her movements for a few more weeks -- be patient!) The fingers and toes that first formed with webbing in between are now becoming more distinct and separate. She can wiggle her toes and fingers with ease. And tiny finger nails and toe nails are appearing.
Amniotic fluid not only surrounds your baby on the outside, she might swallow it too. But don't worry -- ingesting amniotic fluid isn't harmful to your growing baby. In fact, the exchange of fluids helps her lungs develop.